Nikki Kent

Sister Mary Theresa

Nikki has been involved in theatre for 35 years and although the word ‘retirement’ has been uttered occasionally, she just can’t stay away. Having the opportunity to bring joy into people’s lives with live theatre is very rewarding and enjoyable at the same time. 

Favourite past roles include ‘Mabel’ in Pirates of Penzance, ‘Fantine’ in Les Miserables, ‘Fanny Brice’ in Funny Girl and ‘Charity Barnum’ in Barnum the Musical

Nikki is super excited to be performing in another Amici musical, having been in their highly successful 2016 season of Phantom of The Opera. Sister Act’s production team of David, Rhonda and Zac is a dream team and she is incredibly appreciative of the opportunity to work with them and this talented cast.

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